Soil, Air and Water and all the other life forms make our Life possible. A deep sense of community makes our life worth living! The idea of progress or development that comes at the cost of the very things that make our life possible and worth living, is not just devoid of intelligence, it’s outright stupid and suicidal!
“How do we design a rural economic system that primarily aims to cause happy communities and healthy ecological systems, and as a consequence brings prosperity to all those that participate in it?”
An economic system that incentivises us to invest ourselves in preserving what really makes our life possible and worth living!
This design quest led us to co-create a framework called the Rural Economic Zone - Translated into Telugu it is Grameena Aarthika Mandali - In short:
Graamam isn’t an enterprise, it’s a terrain-specific model for a responsible rural economic system, that aims to evolve to be easy for any village anywhere to simply plug and play, and over time, see their village become a Resilient Community - Ecologically sustainable, Socially Cohesive and Economically Viable.
Graamam model was developed over 7 years of work through 11 iterations. The 12th iteration found to be most satisfyingly effective, is being demonstrated as a prototype at ProtoVillage! We wish to build the prototype to the scale of 100 women, and then refine it into a framework that can be contextualised to any terrain or region!
The Rural Economic Zone translates in the local language (Telugu) into Graameena Aarthika Mandali, whose abbreviated form GRAAMAM means a village in most Indian languages, and is our brand. We are living in times when Good food, Good education, Good lifestyle, in fact Good “anything” is labelled as an alternative (read: unaffordable for the common folks).
Graamam represents the commitment to mainstream goodness! This commitment is shared across the growing producer network including women’s SHGs, farmers, rural youth groups etc!
Happy producers, Happy consumers and Happy planet!
Graamam represents a growing network of people who are taking on insurmountable challenges to make impossible dreams possible, for themselves and their communities. We trust you to not buy from us out of sympathy, but because you trust us to produce and deliver healthy products – made to the highest standards, with a lot of love and with an obsession to keep you happy and healthy!